The Weekly Kentucky Yeoman from Frankfort, Kentucky (2024)

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The Weekly Kentucky Yeomani

Frankfort, Kentucky

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2 fl Chromi Cards (perfect beauries) with zVLZ name io cents Outfit to cents Turner Card Co Ashland Mass LIVE STOCK MY JERSEY BULL GEOGICS A by Chief Modoc '1718 dam Imp ouns Daisy will be allowed to serve a limited number of cows Terms 8s payable invariably at time of service HUNT REYNOLDS a6 BLOODED STOCK SPECIAL NOTICES WEEKLY YEOMAN OCTOBER 29 1878 TUESDAY Penitentiary 4 CTUBES SOUTH LESSEE wu? will go into urging Chairs each IS I PARLOR AND VERANDAH the Kfi ADVERTIsem*nTS is URNITURE 1 CEDAR WAGE taken several Bud Broaddus WARDROBES CHURNS BUCKETS Wash Tubs Bath Tubs SPRING WAGONS SX2 Trade Dollar McCLURE Best Material A NNO UNCEMENTS 65 DOLLARS OTLOTS 375 00 WAGONS MADE AND REPAIRED SOUTH CO rank Tort Ky at of to 00 00 00 00 00 the was county com swindled out send The go to every 19 43 63 106 39 Wagon Carriage Buggy and Trotting Harness Made by Expe rienced Workmen and Equal in Material and inish to any in the Country Our Prices are Such as wil Satisfy Purchasers CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS MARKET ST BETWEEN ANN LEWIS A Liberal Discount to Dealers INE CHAIRS Job Work leatly ex seated at th: Office ine Pining Chairt per dcren Cane Dining Chairs per Small Cane Dining Chairs per dozen We are making full ets of Walnut and Poplar urniture for bed rooms The designs are modern and the workmanship good and substantial Dining Tables of All Sizes CRIBS LOUNGES BOOK CASES CANDLE STANDS OICE DESKS AC Thev're making light of Edison Because they gas But a doctor good and great That cures and lakes 00 fee And men of sense at letst can wait And see we shall see" SPRING WA ON horses was won by Mr Rosa lia in three straight heats Mr Nannie being second in each Nannie acted quite unsteady breaking repeated ly but in places trotted fast and in the third heat they came down the home stretch head and head Rosalia barely winning by a neck The running race three quarter mile heats was the event of the evening and was a beautiful sight the heats being close and exciting and the time first class In the first heat Gen Custar got the worst of the send off and Mr Wil Muldoon went immediately to the front and at the half mile polo was lead ing Crosslet two lengths and Gen Cus tar a close third As they entered the home stretch they had not changed posi tions but came thundering along at a merry gait When in front of the stables Muldoon suddenly swerved unsteadying his rider somewhat and about this time jockey commenced to ply whip and spur and closing on Muldoon they make a neck and neck race for a hundred yards when the chestnut out brushing the bay wins the heat Gen Custar third Time 1:18 The second heat was a beautiful one all the way They got a good start and raced neck and neck down the back stretch and around the upper turn They entered the home stretch in close order and the racing then was fast and excit ing As they neared the stand Crosslet showed a master of the situation while Gen Custar was coming up fast His jockey having dropped a rein was mak ing vigorous use of spur and whip and the remaining rein and by a desperate effort landed him a good second Time 1 1 9L ALL OUR CHAIRS ARE RIVEN ROM THE BLOCK AND THE GRAIN THE WOOD OLLOWED ALL ORDERS OR LETTERS SHOULD BE ADDRESSED Gusi Schaefer Co PORTABLE TURKISH BXTH CO ai 6m t8 East St Cininxa 'iQ Liver is King The Liver is the impe rial organ of the whole human system as it controls the life health and happiness of man When it is disturbed in its proper ac tion all kinds of ailments are the natural re sult The digestion of food the movements of the heart and blood the action of the brain and nervous system are all immediate ly connected with the workings of the Liver It has been successfully proved that August lower is unequaled in curing all persons afflicted with Dyspepsia or Liver Complaint and all the numerous symptoms that result from an unhealthy condition of the Liver and Stomach Sample bottles te try 10 cents Positively sold in all towns on the Western Continent Three doses will prove that it is just what you want All the candidates for State offices who desire their claims to be considered in every county in the State should their announcements to this paper Weekly and Tri weekly Yeoman every county seat and to almost county officer lawyer and politician in the State No better medium of commu nication with the public men of Kentucky can be had and all candidates will find it to their advantage to have their cards in the Yeoman Though Shaking Like an Aspen Leaf With chills and fever the victim of ma laria may still recover by using the celebrated specific Stomach Bitters which not only breaks up the most aggravated at tacks but prevents their recurrence It is infinitely preferable to quinine not only be cause it does the business far more thorough ly but also on account of its perfect whole someness and invigorating action upon the entire system Testimony is concurrent positive and ample showing the decisive nature of its effects and that it is no mere palliative Physicians concede its excellence and there is a constant influx of communica tions from persons in every class of society avouching its merits and bearing witness to its superiority over other remedies for mala rial disease It is especially popular through out the West 'wherever fever and ague pre vails as it does in many of the fairest and most fertile portions of that vast region The "PENITENTIARY CHAIR" is of carefully selected svyar tree with hickory rouadt It is we known is all us forms throughout Kentucky aad the Wester couotry aa aa easy symmetrical and durable Chair rom the Covington Commonwealth HERE AM man who gives the last receipt is respon sible for it The suit of Emily Harrod vs John Andrew Scott and others which was brought in the circuit court for 5000 damages has we understand been set tled by defendant Scott paying plaintiff the sum of 75 This settles and we hope winds up the old feud of these par ties John Andrew Scott has been quiet ly and peaceably living in Belle Point near rankfort for some time and has been a good citizen He has received a license to practice law and on Monday qualified as an attorney of the circuit court Thursday and the night being dark Capt Rupe did not discover the opening and stepped over the wall or abutment falling a distance of about twenty feet He was discovered a short time after the accident by Mr James Graham and was taken home immediately A surgical examination was made and his hip drawn into place but the full extent of his in juries could not be determined He suf fered much during the night and is still suffering though at last accounts he was somewhat easier Capt Rupe has been one of the most faithful and efficient of fleers that ever served in rankfort and his misfortune is a source of general re gret Table Chair each No i Child's Arm Rockers each No i Child's Arm Chairs each No Rockers each No i Chairs each No a Arm Rockers each No 3 Arm Chairs each No 3 Rockers No a Child's Chairs each OLDING CHAIRS IN MANY ORMS AND HANDSOMELY INISHED LEETWOOD SULPHUR WATEil leetwood sulphur water will from this date be sold at ten cents per ga Ion And Other Articles all Substantially Made of Red and White 1 edar and Some of BeautL 'J Workmanship SCIENTIIC AND USEUL A notable improvement in watches is re ported from a manufactory in Switzerland where by a peculiar process the figures on the dial are rendered luminous so that if exposed once during the day to the sunlight they remain phosphorescent and visible throughout the night By a new process the details of which are not yet published it has been proved that the fibrous portion of the jute plant can be so divided and treated as to produce curtains hangings table cloths and dress goods oi rare excellence Indeed for some purpose2 the article as applied to textiles appears to rival silk The secretion of sweat is now known to be like that of saliva directly under the control of the nervous system and to be ex cited by secreting nerves independent of al terations in the vessels which supply secret ing glands This fact tends to explain the well known greater tendency to perspire which people observe when they are shut up in a close room a tendency which appears to be greater than can readily be accounted for by the warmth of the room alone I A plant of somewhat remarkable proper I ties found in Hayti is thus described Its 1 narcotic properties are so strong that it can produce coma of any desired intensity and duration All persons within a house can be put asleep by it and a burglary committed with impunity A few families only know this plant and the knowledge of it is handed down from generation to generation as an heirloom but it is believed that an experi enced botanist may di covee it and make it available for medical purposes At a general conference of British archi tects a few weeks ago the general building regulations of the kingdom were discussed at length Among other points brought out was this That the health of a community is much more dependent upon food clothing and personal habits than upon the arrange ment and construction of dwellings or work shops for however perfect may be the ar rangements they mav be entirely neutralized if the food is bad the clothing deficient and the personal habits filthy A Milledgeville Georgia man has in vented a cat discourager intended to take the spirit and yowl out of backyard sere naders It is a kind of explosive cube with a ring in the end and all you have to do is to go out in the backyard catch the cat who is bossing the orchestra fasten it firmly to hh tail lioht the fuse and await the catas trophe Repeat the dose in two hours if necessary DIED At his residence near Stedmantown tn this county October 26th Jacob Cox in the 89th year of his age In this city on Sunday evening at 3:30 of heart disease Mrs Catharinb Shea aged 48 years it months and 17 days At Versailles Tuesday October 22d of pn euxo nia Mabel infant daughter ot Perry SUPEBINTEKDENT PUBLIC INSTSVC TION A HENDERSON of Bourbon is an nounced a candidate for re election as Superintend ent of Public Instruction 1OTH 1870 1 will oeeeb roi cash my stock op WATCHES JEWELRY MARRIED Near Worthville Wednesday evening at 7 by Rev Geo Overstreet of Williamstown Capt Attwell Rennick of rankfort and Miss Bbttib Dean of Worthville This proves ambition is not vain Where born of proper pride All hopes are easy to Att am Where love is not Dean ied ANCY SILVER WARE PEK mi LEKS IHAft IN THE STOCK ARE MANY GOOD AND desirably articles which can be bought for One Half irst Cost Everything ully Warranted Repre sented If any of my fellow citizens are suffering for diamonds I will order out from New York a lot from which they can select the purchaser PAYING NO PROIT TO ME But paying Express charj es A BOHANNAN JR OHANNAN PUBLIC MEETING WE ARE PREPARED TO CONTRACT OR the erection of buildings Job Work of all kinds executed promptly CALL AND SEE VG SATISACTION GUARANTEED SCHAEER CO STATE NEWS Grand rally at Danville to day Hart county complains of hog cholera The Barnes meetings are going on at Glasgow Phil Thompson spoke yesterday at Har rodsburg Hon Jas Beck spoke at Lawrenceburg Saturday The Transcript says Lexington is out of debt Warren county disinfects with coon sweet potato weighs seven pounds Paris is happy with a horse thief in her new jail A case of yellow fever is announced 1 Ghent Kentucky I Ike Hogg a store robber was arrested I Paducah Tuesday Lincoln county is sending colored emi grants to Texas Hon Jas Beck is announced to speak at Stanford Monday Maysville bought her new iron bridge at Toledo Ohio Ice an eighth of an inch thick at Louis ville Tuesday Dr Gailliard has returned to Louisville improved in health Dr Henderson is announced to lecture at Lebanon November nth Owensboro has an Archery Club and all the her ux are quivering with delight Th Louisville Exposition closed a suc cessful season Saturday night Logan pleads inexperience and will not be ment on the spring meeting and practi I one of the babies at the show I cally a success Portable Turkish Bath A TURKISH BATH IN YOUR OWN ROOMA for 5 cents This is secured by ache appa ratus recently patented for the prod oi Turkish and Vapor Baths at the cost of the alcohol that supplies the heat It has proved more effect ive than the ordinary Turkish bath house eradi cating RHEUMATISM ASTHMA C'TARRH SKIN DISEASES DYSPJ 1'EIA AND ALL NERVOUS AND DEBILITATING a ADIES Large Size lat Dining Chairs per dozen Coarse Dining Chairs per dozen Small Coarse Dining Chairs per Small lat Cane Chairs perdozenw Large Arm Rockers each Second Size Arm Rockers each I arge Arm Chair each Nursing Rock rs each Nursing Chairs each Sewing Rockers each Sewing Chairs Misses Coarse Rockers each Coarse Chairs each In addition we have a fine variety of Rye is selling briskly at 55 cents in this market The fruit crop of the United States this year is valued at $128300000 I A Gaines Co shipped Tuesday 125 barrels of Hermitage whisky to San rancisco The cabbage worm has been destroyed by the frost but it is most too late to save the crop Tuesday was a cold rainy day but Messrs Hawkins and Richard Church caught forty bass The wheat crop put in this fall will about equal the seeding of last year but it is in much better order If you want your briefs correctly and well printed at reasonable prices send them to the Yeoman Office rankfort ('ctober 26 1878 CAUSES DECIDED Sawyer Wallace Co vs Taggart Lou Wood vs Higdon Daviess reversed Tate vs Kindrick Pulaski affirmed ORDERS I Ledford vs Taylor Bath Herbert vs Breed Kenton Greer vs Abbott Kenton Same vs Smith Kenton Same vs edders Kenton Samuels vs Bolan Kenton submitted firmer Rrr vs Cox Kenton rross inneal Covington Street Railway vs Shinkle trustee 1 with damages wLdUUj ciuau OLL avsi wv him AS the I tober zq U1LUI 2B UVIU 3 KVZLIB A LUUILIUU ULL1LIUU for modification of opinion filed I OTV ST CLAIR STREET AEAR A der son vs Com mon ealth Lean I ire xv ft zr a sy ri zv Judge vs Cash Lyon petitions for re 1 1 ri 0 i vn wYAurw TUC fivbct CTnrv rv Kentucky University vs City ot Lexington I Proctor vs Mayo Daviess new opinion STAPLE AND ANCY GROCERIES Ky Central vs Thomas admx Harrison EVEK BKUUGH 1 iO KAN UK i ul'id0" fOr SettiDS aside damaS's Also a at AecUd stock of Cigars and Tobacco Joi es assignee vs Tohnst submission set aside causes set for argument at loot of Louis ORKIGN AND DOMESTIC RUITS AeildenCvset Duck orth Scott appellees filed KESH ISH AND OYSTERS RE grounds and moved to dismiss rule against to CEIVED DAILY AND SOLD produce record by Oct 30th CHEAPER THAN THE VS' P1'a SAME CAN BOUGHT Kraft vs Kenton demurrer I ELSEWHERE assignee vs aris Montgomery JW Goods promptly delivered in any part of the argued by Chas gin ton a Peters for appel I city Give us a call lees and Jro A Prall for appeii tnt and sub itted 024 tf BOIIANMA1V BROS Causes from 8h udicial District set for argument I will be heard from Nov 26 to 27 inclusive I rankfort October 28 1878 BANK STOCK OR SALE ORDERS I I OEVENTY ONE SHARES BANK Moore vs Tucker Clark submission stock win be sold 1st Monday in November at th I i3 cloak sharp at the court house door Montgomery vs Phcentx Mutual Life Ins Co LAAYETTE CRU1CHEH Lou Ch response dehvered1 pctuion overruled Executor Crutcher Bryan admitted as a practicing attorney I 00 tuAtoi Powell vs Sebree Scott rule continued till Nov OCTOBER 5th 1878 ot6tat Benton vs Lemmick Ohio I Collins vs Mosley Ohio Walker Hubbard vs Commonwealth Ohio King vs adm'rs hio submitted Bowman vs Bowman Bullitt Same vs Hogland Bullitt Same vs Duva 1 Bullitt argued by Meyler for appellees and Bryan for appellants and subm tted The Lexington Gazette advises people in I BgffTTOy QJ THS COUBT ATBALS ayette to post their farms and then shoot I where they I Oerter Danvil'e Advocate The earning rf the Angel Edvards Ac Hart affirmed of Mtnely of the suit of clothe cut Southern Railway Compmy for the year Huston Cochran Ac Spencer affirmed I Ly a rival establishment of WlNTI Co girni ig October 1st 1877 and ending Sep 1 Larue County Court Erie Larue affirmed I UtJw 88 'Uk" deducting the trustee share of the earnings firmed 'y A Plus to People who visit mg omp 1 Absher vs Monday Adair reversed I Louisville will enjoy the city more perfectly Lexington Press: Col Hart Gibson has oxoas being well located at a good hotel A sold his farm known as near I Gibion a dm Germiatova and Hamilton I Th I Cross road 1 umpike Co Bracken I good hotel IS one where TOO Can have COm Versailles containing 450 acres tn Dr Me Hagan Co CamrbeU Leod of Helena Ark for $70 per ac I Hohn vs Grand Lake Coal Co Campbell I fort and attention without great expense ca The purchaser has this at a grert bar Red Men' Hu Asso of The ifth Avenue Hotel is centr dly located gain as Hartland is one of the best and I Klein vs Newport Provision and Mart I convenient to business and all important most desirable farms in the country Asso Campbell I A I Meador vs Do aldsoi Campbell submitted I points It IS conducted by Mr Batcbe GeorgetOWn Times: Mr Warren Clayton I Webb Ac Con manwealth ranklin petition I nr fnrwirlv nf rankfort and ia as well handed us a sweet potato vine grown by I orrehearing overruled I 1 I vs Trapp Montgomery ElUng I conducted as any hotel the country It Goldsboro Johnson to the root of which was woods filed peutiJn for rehearing 7 7 attached three potatoes two of the Bermuda I Kennedy vs Commonwealth Garrard appellant has been lately rehtted and provided WILD variety of red color the third a filed Pu for extension of opinion every modem improvement and convenience I Hart vs Trusteesof Princeton College Caldwell I and yellow in color Golastoro says he I arguej by Darby for appellee and submitted 1 Mr Willard formerly nf the Willard also found in his patch this season a sweet I I potato bloom which looked somewhat like I rankfort October 34 1878 I Hotel is in charge 01 the culinary depart the bloom of a morning glory He is an old I causes decided I ment and Mr Thos A Theobald is in the gardener and says it is the first time he Both these gen tieman know how to 1 ever saw a sweet potato bloom I Daviess reversed I make it delightful for guests The fare is I a 'T'x I Price vs Petit Daviess reversed Lexmgton Transcript: Prof I harp ar I Holloway vs Elkin whingon affirmed I only $2 50 per day rived home from his Northern Kentucky tour I Thom sson vs ilcut Butler affirmed I Wednesday He denounces in the most Robson Machine Works vs Lander Chris CONSUMPTION CURED emphatic tones all that Modoc alludes to ijvinstot Countv Court vs Threlkeid ivinv 1 as the grossest of lies and thinks the circu 1 ston affirmed I physician retired from practice lar was spread to injure him in his canvass I Hensley vs yanks Wolfe affirmed I having had placed in his hands by an Eat which it cannot possibly do as the people India missionary the formula of a simple here can testify too well to his standing and I i integrity The circular is meeting with the VCg' and P'rma rebuke it richly deserves from the leading I Gray vs Sheets Kenton nent cure for consumption bronchitis ca journals of the State I Supple vs Adams treasurer Kenton sub 1 tarrh asthma and ab throat and lung affec Woodford Sun The residence of Mr I Hansford vs Holdam Lincoln I tions also a positive and radical cure for Ben Rogers two miles from town on Mid I Had'n I nervous debility and all nervous complaints way pike was on Tuesday night entered by I Herbert vs Breed Kenton appellee filed grounds I after having tested its wonderful curative burglars and robbed of articles of considera I and moved to dismiss appeal I 1 ble value consisting of two fine watches Lpe' cases has felt it hts one double barrel shot gun and several suits I Ditzler vs Trapp Montgomery mandate I duty to nae known to his suffering fel of Mr clothes They also took modified pe ition for rehearing oyerrruled lows Actuated by this motive and a desire from the stable a fine horse and with the I tion for rehearing overruled rranklin pca 1 to relieve human suffering I will send free plunder rode away The horse was found I aHm'r vs Worthington sur Kenton I uv rr nil wKa rAeTr next morning grazing on the side Of the I appellant moved to strike deposition from I road having been turned loose No clue to vs Schmidt rs Kenton pIea filed with full directions for preparing and using the thieves I Bayless by vs Prescott Bourbon rule in German rench or Lnglisn Sent by il rr 1 I against appellants to prepare cause for trial by next I i wh stamn namim this Covington Commonwealth If the people term 1 man oy ajaressing wiin stamp namina mis of Madison county Ky are disposed to Tobiason Heilburn vs Mullins Kenton I paper SHERAR J49 Powers' prosecute violators of the law in their midst or'before'calfii'ot for'xrgumenL I Block Rochester New York jzo 4W they would do well to turn their attention to Moore Tucker Clark argued by ne Hogan who affixes to Buckner for appellant and submitted 1 1 ha livac in MoAicnrs I Couchmans adm vs assignees I QUERY: Why Will men smoke Common his name and sys he 1 es Montgomery argued by Hazelrigg and when thev can buy Marburg Bros county Ky near a small Village called I Peers for appellees and laid over for further argu toDacco WDcn tney 0211 Duy A1ARBURG DR OS Waco We have been shown a copy of a 1 ment 1 al or lyottA Carolina at me same pnee circular of the most infamous character I I febi iv signed by this man The circular has prob rankfort October 35 1878 ably been scattered broadcast over the I causes decided I State I Hai co*ck vs Mutual Life Ins Co Marion I Kentucky Sentinel: Hon John Wil I Bricken vs Cooper Washington reversed I liatns who has been in poor health for sev I Shannon Clark Nicholas affirmed I eral months since the return of cooler weather I Sd I re a tk 1 I up affirmed as to McAllister dismissed as to I The Centaup Liniments are of two kinds The finds himself sufficiently restored to start out Scott 1 White is for the human family the Yellow is for I I horses hten and other animals Testimonials of several speeches the Lxenerat nas neen 1 neroert vs ureea Kenton motion to aisauss 1 I overruled I the effects produced by these remarkabe I repara called upon to speak in other sections ol adm Worti ington nton I tions are wrapped around every bottle and maybe the State but felt that hts first duty was to noion to strik depostion overruled procured of any druggist or by mail from the office aid tn securing the return of Hon Ihomasl Moreman adm vs Moreman Hardin re Turner by an additional majority and estab delivered petition overruled of the Centaur Company 46 Dey street hei ork ux xi zL Welch vs rye Casey affidavit filed Citv m8 iv licnmcr tnz IJpmnrratir mainntv in the Oth I lz I 3 3 district on a permanent basis I Greenwade vs Brother Menifee I Grenwade vs Same Menifee additional Danville Tribune It is understood that I surety on bond given rule discharged causes sub Miss Margaret Preston eldest unmarried mitted ft I Greenwade vs Commonwealth Bath submitted daughter Of Gen Wrn Preston Of Lexmg I vs assignees ton Kentucky will be married to Mr Geo I Montgomery argument of ters for appel Davie of Louisville Kentucky early cq' 7 lwa I pellant and submitted in December next Miss Preston nas been recognized for sever a years as the leader of rankfort October 26 1878 DEMOCRATS society in the Blue grass region and is well causes decided RPI1RI IP ANR known throughout the State Mr Davie was Sawyer Wallace Co vs Taggart Lou Chy at one time a student of Centre College and reversed I GREENBACKERS is one of the leading young lawyers in Ken 1 Wood vs Higdon Daviess reversed I snnnip IflCN tucky It will doubtless be one of the lead Tate vs Kmdrtck Pulask affirmed LABORING MEN ing events in society circles for some time to I 01 bankers 6 7 I Ledford vs Taylor Bath I come I Herbert vs Breed Kenton BONDHOLDERS 1 ww 1 1 Greer vs Abbott Kentn Carlisle Mercury About a year ago Same vs Smith Kent I TN ACT EVERYBODY IS REQUESTED TO Divjd Ballengal of Oakland Mills adopted Same vs edders Kenton I ireet every day and evening at a spurious child of Hannah Hook a boy I Samuels vs Bolan Kenton submitted I 1 a I Greer vs Cox Kenton cross appeal I now about five years old About a week ago submitted fl fl I I 1 II 11 1 1 1 fl fl I the Chud suddenly disappeared Simulia I Covington Street Railway vs Shinkle trustee I LJI I LJ 11 IU HI 1 1 HI ULJ neous with which was noticed the absence of Kenton appellee filed grounds appeal dismissed rllrlllllllll il 11 1 I 1 Tom rank Wilson a blacksmith and sus 1 1 I Ifllllinil DIIUUI I mcion immediately settled udc abductor On Saturday Mr Ballengall heard of the presence of Wilson in Kansas City and bv telejranh secured his detention He started for that city on Sunday morning and hearing overruled I KnntiicVv TTnivP! i to arrive home on luesday evening last il is snnnoseci tnat the mother incitea Wilson to secure the child to which Mr pention overruled I IT rnrrol Ballengal had become warmly attached Courier Journal Mr Milton Hitt and I Miss Lizzie Tapp of Louisville visited Jeffersonville Monday afternoon and after procuring licence from the county clerk went to the National Hotel there meeting Mayor Warden were soon married Both are well known and highly thought of in Louisville Mr Clay Sale a mutual friend accompanied them in their trip to Gretna Green They crossed on the ferry boat but returned via the I Rail way proceeding on their arrival to the ifth Exactly why they eloped is not known Miss Tapp had been at Sayre Institute in Lexington for some time but returned as was said temporarily Saturday last to visit her parents in this city In society she has been very much admired and while her loss will be much regretted it is to be sincerely hoped she may find greater happiness in her new departure Mr Hitt is to be congrat ulated Mt Sterling Democrat: Charles Adding ton Esq was born in Culpeper county Vir ginia Oct io 1777 and moved to Scott county Ky where he now lives about 60 years ago He has been married three times first in 1803 second in 1840 and the third time in 1070 Me raised 7 sons ano daughters and has 167 grandchildren 450 great grandchildren and 39 great great grandchildren now living On his centen nial pnniversary his relatives and friends gave him a grand dinner at which about 2000 persons attended The old gentle man while enjoying the bountiful repast told of many pleasant recollections of the past He has been a consistent member of the Baptist Church for fifty years and the family has the reputation of being orderly and law rbiding citizens Not one has ever been krown to be guilty of any penal offense They have filled public offices of trust with honor and dignity and are noted for their mathematical talents many of them teachers in the best schools Prof Kirby is lecturing on The Relation of Common Schools to the Glasgow has twin calves that conjointly weiizh thirtv seven hundred pounds I sleot and I dreamed amid beautiful flowers I And scarce felt the flight of the radiant hoars Stevens of the Bridgewater gang The? arrested in Wayne county last week strings I pjle Press tells a rather tough turtle story But yet while I dreamed came an angel of light I but it be properly called a fish story And pointed mine eyes to a far away height I And oadc me that cold rugged mountain to I The wild man of the Tennessee woods The steepest and roughest encircled by time I the latest scaly trick played upon Louis I can not I cried Oh I can not go there 1 I vBe The streets of Lebanon are to be lighted And wild the waves of the darksome abyss I with coal oil lamps South rankfort take The hand unrelenting still pointed the same I notlCe And upward! he 5ern aMwer The Georgetown Times says the out from this grotto of soul sleeping rest I railroad is now doing a heavy freight busi And climb up the mountain It is God's behest 1 1 nyss cried: my Master my ather my God I Can the lemingsburg Democrat inform 11 over in 1 way wuilu ou Hnw manv Mmis seventeen 1 rhou will st me to faint hearted am 1 Uphold me oh Lord I or I waver and I thirty I And down from the shoresof the beautiful spheres I William Piggy of Harrison I Behold am with thee dropped soft on my I mitted suicide because he was I No more but I reached toward the wonderful land I And felt a firm clasp on my tremulous hand John Gaines has obtained a new subscriber Then for the Unseen was with me I I in Warren county The Enterprise is bound Passed out of the grotto of flowers and dew I fO Win And unto the mountain so frowning and drear I We turned but I went with reluctance and fear I Dr Blackburn visited two cae of sick Oh rough was the JTthway and dreadful the a Bowling Green and pronounced both snares I yellow fever And frightful the creatures that sprang from their re it ti a lairs Mrs Julia A Tevis of Science Hill Acad Andwild was the torrent I staggered with feir I emy at Shelbyville is reported very ill from I But I feb the hard clasp heard the soft am I here I 1 3 I The Hartford Herald man has met two And upward still upward though weary and worn I i My feet bruised and bleeding held many a thorn I young ladies from near araaise Perl My spirit was fainting my courage ran dry I no doubt I When soft came the whisper Behold here am 1 1 I I I Now let everything be lovely The quar So dark! Oh my God lift me into he light antine between Paducah and Mayfield The answer came: climb up to the I height I been raised am weary oh Lord! let me rest at these I springs! I Lexington is giving theatricals Halt came the words thy soul shall I at the Opera House for the benefit Ot yellow find wings 1 fever sufferers And upward still upward by night and by The Louisville Evening News says Hon 1 he guiding hand sometimes almost slipped away 1 I So nerveless I held it and then I would cry I John eland is the most popular Republican And aain came the grasp and the soft Here am I in Kentucky I I According to the True Kentuckian several And thus ever upward through toil and through I ncgro families are existing in that city upon Through darkness and danger and death and de I parched corn Until bless our God! the drear journey was done I A Virginia hog trader bought 200 hogs in I The hieght glowed with heaven my wings leming county at $4 per hundred Hogs I were won! I are now worth $2 50 I rankfort Kv I 1 1 I A Hart county beau never calls on a lady Pumpkin batter cakes are the latest without kissing her hand He says he likes novelty of the rankfort cuisine to do things hand some I I Am mImmxev vnon TtTiln n1c nrtfCA onn Make your arrangements this week to I wagon went ove the cliff at Clay erry 11 AT MM I last riday A total wreck go to the polls next Tuesday and vote for I 7 Blackburn Let nothing interfere epinemic 01 amaur pcis ju I reacnea rar is iney nave it uau 111 Persons having accounts against the I shaPe of Thc Tough Citizen city are requested to hand them in at the I The seventy ninth annual session of 1 1 Grand Lodge of Masons of Kentucky clerk office properly approved by five convened atSLouisville Tuesday C1OCK next lucsuay Danville Advocate notices the second crop of Seedling grapes produced on Ice more than a half inch thick was I vjnes jn that locality this season fomed in this vicinity yesterday morn t(oe there is somlhing in a ing It was cold enough to freeze out I name has concluded to spend next summer every vestige of malaria I at Beer sheba springs I White Plains Kentucky has a fox hunting WV me mm di a ri a rf in qvIpc i Hua vavuanuv Ljiuu wxx that keeps up with the nounas ana Shea of this city dropped dead from her generally in at the death chair about three clock Sunday after I stamp detective is going the rounds noon She was forty eight years of age I the rural banks Every man who fails an excellent woman highly esteemed by stamP kis check is fined J50 all who knew her I The Lexington Press gives poetical credit where it is not due ana in that way ttirusts Mrs Walter Chiles met with a pain too much honor upon an humble individual ful accident vesterdav mornintr bv falling Coal hiuled in wagons from Mt Sterling from a chair upon which she was stand 1 to Owingsville stance of fourteen miles I sells at the latter place at 12U centsde ing to reach some object on a high shell jiverej ine extent or ner injuries are not an Hrdin countv has nounced but she was suffering much at founj an indictment against Philip Arnold last accounts for shooting at Holdsworth with intent to kill The tin roofers are industriously en I A female at almouth proposes spittoons gaged at Kentucky River Mills and in a the sidewalks She must be the same person who wanted breeches on the piano few days the machinery will be placed in I jegS position The wood work on this estab The deerhunters of Pulaski county are or lishment has all been done by Messrs ganized for a fall campaign in the noun Schaeffer Buckley and throughout it tains i ney nave aireaay has been substantially and well done I orns I Courier Tournal That bad The racing matinee at the air Grounds has escaped from the Danville wqrk hojse rr mJ Why not? All buds open and leave in Saturday evening afforded fine sport and lhcir geason was witnessed by about two hundred I negro has been arrested at Anchorage people The trotting race for buggy for trying to make people believe a $2 50 gold piece was a dime Lt curious now ne failed to find a sucker The Kentucky Sentinel wants to know what disposition Colonel Jno Dils made of thirty three yearling mules seized by him in Wolfe county during the war At the Louisville baby show a premium is offered for baby having the prettiest Why not one for the best looking I daddy and give Sam Gaines a chance I Anderson News If this yelling and en thusiasm for Luke Blackburn is kept up the heroic Doctor will have a walk over for Governor Well we know of any one just now who will particularly object Lexington Transcript: Gov Underwood is developing strength in the Gubernatorial rate continually He is coming around on the home stretch gaining at every length Lou Evening News After November the Democrats will he able to say Now is the winter of our discontent made glorious sum by the autumn Congressional elections Craddock is pood authority on most mat ters of antiquity but he makes a mistake of eight years in fixing the date of Emmett birth The Big Shellbark of Bull Skin is only 30 Glasgow Times The chestnut crop is spreading its pain producing across the small pathway That may be a pathological term but a new one The small is good Lou Evening News: Milton Hitt the beautiful fascinating and irresistible Milt is no more at least to the single voung ladies Yesterday afternoon he eloped to Jefferson ville with Miss Lizzie Tapp of this city and was married Lexington Press Suit was brought in the circuit court yesterday morning by Tim1 Green against Wm Wilkerson jailer for damages in the sum of $25000 This suit has grown out of the newspaper letters which were published immediately after the elec tion Lexington Transcript We understand from a good source that on riday night last the jail at Manchester was burned that they took about 420 indictments from the office and burned them also All the in dictments were burned except that of Simp son who will be tried to morrow Major A Morey of the Cyrthiana News is out in a card accepting a call to be come a candidate for the Senate from the 30th district Hart County Democrat: A sensitive lover in this vicinity has broken his engagement because his sweetheart named her pet calf alter him Bully boy He saw the cut indirect The children of the Deaf and Dumb Insti tute at Danville sent a contribution to the yellow fever sufferers at Hickman This is truly a case where the poor assist the poor Richmond Register A Speedwell tells us that he met nine men on the road coming from work and all of them had their weapons on the outside How is that for every day wear? Richmond Register This killings have equaled last and there are nine weeks yet to do more killing in Nobody doubts that your county will put in the time satisfactorily Bronston Esq son of Col Thos Bronston is announced a candidate for Attorney in Madison He is a prominent lawyer and was formerly a partner with Gov McCreary Owensboro Examiner Sauirrelsand part ridges are more abundant than usual this fall The city fc full of partridges They are on the house tops and in the yards of nearly every residence in the city Owensboro must be a new city of refuge Lexington Transcript The last meeting of the Kentucky Trotting Horse As sociation was financially a success The Association did not advertise the meeting quite so extensively as was advisable but the meeting was nevertheless an improve Iment cally ATTORNEY GENERAL We are authorized to announce McMANA MA of Grant county as a candidate for Attorney General subject to the action of the Democratic party REGISTER THE LAND OICE MOORE of rankfort is a candidate for Register of the Land Office He understands the business well having discharged the duties four Good apples were offered in this city yesterday at fifty cents per bushel Cheap enough considering the short crop The neighborhood of Bowling Green according to Judge Dulaney has several Look out for Billy of the best apiaries in the United States The water is running over the dam at Lawyers attending the Court of Appeals ock No a can have their briefs handsomely and I accurately printed on short notice at this I Capt itzhugh will return home next Qfgce week having completed the survey of the Kentucky river above the Three We are indebted to Mr Duvall orks agent International and Great Northern roi no Railroad of Texas for late Galveston Hodges of Pleasureville Henry Tr and St Louis papers county convicted the United States court of having forged a mail key has Rye js quoted in this market at 50 to been sentenced to ten years in the peni 55 cents The corn market is not yet tqntiary I opened Malt will probably open at 90 cents or Ji Marvin Averill a little son of Dr Averill had his arm broken Monday It is remarked that the summer grapes evening wrestling with another boy of are larger and better flavored than usual about the same age He received prompt I A great many have made their appear surgical attention and is now doing well ance in this city About fifty citizens of rankfort have I The carpet trade at Rodman Bros become members of the Southern Histori this season has been more extensive than cal Society Gen George Johnston in any other year during their long busi has been very successful in obtaining ness experience additions ootn at ranKiort ana oeoge birdhunters have met with fine success thus far but at the rate they are The pretty poem Here Am from now going there will not be a quail left the pen of Miss Laura ord of this to whistle Bob White in the spring city originally appeared in the Coving Averm reports a fine meeting of ton Commonwealth to which she has the at DanviUe Sixty ministers been a valuable contributor both tn prose in attendance and poetry Some unimportant work was accom Two car loads of machinery have been plished received at Kentucky River Mills this dence of Mr Wat week and are now deposited in the build South rankfort is rapidly ap ing The frame work for the roof is hi com letion and when finished nearly completed and the tin will be pnt an addition to the nei hbor on at once Mr Spence the supenn tendent arrived last week ana is now in charge The apple crop throughout Kentucky Capt Able sheriff of Jefferson is rotting rapidly Much complaint brought to the prison Thursday three comes from all quarters Colonel Davie convicts and no guards It is rather al attributes it to the work of insects pn the rare thing for a sheriff to bring three young fruit prisoners without assistance They some 7T The chalybeate water of the well in times have one prisoner and two guards 1 3 front of the State House grounds is as One day last week an Anderson county good as any in the Mississipi Valley and huckster named Hayden on his way to has been very beneficial to the health of this market had his wagon upturned the city this season and one hundred dozen eggs smashed A portion of his harness broke and his Hon Varnon of Standford has horse ran away He sustained no injury sent to the Agricultural Department a to his person though he made a narrow photograph of a wheat cultivator just in escape vented in Lincoln county which Col Davie pronounces good The Cincinnati excursion from Mt Sterling and Winchester passed through I Hon rederick reports the potato this city going and coming on Sunday crop of Jefferson county rotting rapidly It was one of the largest that ever went on aCcount of the warm dry fall He down the road there being eight well ajso says the price has materially ad filled coaches A number of persons vancedj owing to short crops in other took advantage of the low rates and states went from this point The autumnal colors are beginning to We understand that a match race for attract attention on the hillsides and leaf I 500 has been arranged between Dr hunters are only waiting for the ground John McKee and Mr Wash Hanco*ck to to dry that they may realize the truth of run Water Witch and Tampico a mile Buchanan couplet: and an eighth dash over the rankfort Youth is a fable and beauty deceives Driving Park track on Saturday next My afe in lhe withering leaves" There will also be a trotting race for The court house was crowded yester roadster horses in which five or six are day wjth persons anxious to hear the ar expected to start I guments of Judge Major and Gen i John Rodman in the case of Turner vs A singular accident occurred on the a a I Callery Both sides were ably presented Saturday night A car 3 I and the case was closed about noon The containing sixteen head of fat cattle was loaded at Winchester for New York returned a verdict in favor of the When the train arrived at rankfort I aintl or about 1 1 it was discovered that the The meeting to organize a State is car door was open and twelve head of toncal Society will be in the parlor of cattle missing One of them happened Capital Hotel at 3 ciock Thursday to fall out in front of John Heller meat afternoon Gentlemen from Lexington store and being injured was sold to him Louisville( and other points are expe ted On Sunday a special cattle hunting tram to be present and a number of citizens was sent up the road and seven of the of rankfort interested in preserving the missing beeves picked up between this landmarks of the State will take part in point and Ducker Station our or five tbe meetjng of them were found uninjured our others are still at large The shippers a survey having been made of the have turned the whole lot over to the Licking river the government officers re railroad company port the fall feet per mile too great for the purposes of slack water nav There was a marriage Wednesday at the irst Independent Colored Baptist Church igation and recommend the damming of between Owen Barrett a respecta the tributaries in such a manner as to supply water to the mam stem when ble colored man from Owensboro and 7 Isabella Lindsey a worthy and much most nee esteemed colored woman of this city jn a certajn county of this State there The ceremony by Rev Hendrick is a Nimrod whose success as a fox was impre ssively and appropriately per hunter is indelibly fixed upon the records formed The church was crowded with of tbe Office as follows witnesses about half of them being At the May term of the circuit white persons The bride for the last I court 1876 he was allowed eight or ten years has been an accom October term 1876 plished and favorite seamstress for some lern i877 fl I LzUIvGCI KTflu AOy of our best families and she has held April term 1878 and maintained a character tor modesty July term 187s and usefulness which renders her de Total for scalps parture from the city a matter of regret The church was tastefully decorated the 1 ushers polite and attentive the music I Under the new law authorizing the pood and all passed off in a tasteful and registration of third class mail matter becoming manner many kinds of small packages can be sent by mail to any part of this country Capt John Rupe chief of police met or Europe by paying in addition to the with a severe accident Thursday night postage the small fee of ten cents The about half past eight clock by falling security of this system exists in the regu from Benson bridge His hip was dislo which renuires everv nostmaster cated and in other respects he sustained through whose hands a registered pack injuries It seems the railing of one of age passes to give and take a receipt tbe approaches to the bridge had been I packa re is lost it is easily traced to broken by a wagon some time during pot where it disappeared and the The scientist must alway The gauntlet of the ass 1 I Ml.

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.