A Guide To Short Video Music Promotion (2024)

Explore the most effective short video music promotion strategies on TikTok and other platforms. Elevate your career with these expert insights designed to maximize your reach and impact.

A Guide To Short Video Music Promotion

by Mark Knight, Founder of Major Labl Artist Club

We analysed some of the best-performing music artists on TikTok and identified ten principles you need to understand to make your content more engaging in 2024.

But first, it’s important to understand the context and landscape in which you are now operating. There was a time when music was a key cultural tenet. You watched Top of The Pops or MTV, bought the NME, bought records and attended music festivals without comedy tents.

Things have changed, in 2024 music now exists as part of a wider entertainment experience. It’s the background noise at our dinner parties, video games and Netflix shows and it only makes the news when something happens beyond the music. For example, few people wrote about The Killer’s latest tour, but when the band stopped a gig to allow fans to watch England taking penalties in the Euros, it became news. Meanwhile, it’s hard to find much written about the music at The Brit Awards, but plenty was written about what Sam Smith wore to the Brit Awards.

When it comes to our social media music is rarely the focus of our viewing. We are much more likely to be focused on that latest trending dance or filter. If you are a musician and your Instagram Feed is filled with badly cropped clips from your music videos or live clips of you strumming an acoustic guitar it’s time to step up your game, because in 2024 this isn’t working.

The artists that will win in 2024 will be the ones that recognise music alone is not engaging, especially if it is an unknown song from a little-known artist. The trick is to add additional layers on or around your music to increase its universal appeal and interest.

A Guide To Short Video Music Promotion (1)

Here are ten things to consider when making social content to promote your music in 2024.

1. The key to virality is watch time not views

The secret to TikTok content virality is engaged viewers. Check the stats on your views to discover the average post-view time. Make it your mission to increase the time people spend with your content. Connor Price is the master of this, there is always something new to look at and engage you every 2-3 seconds.

2. Capture the emotional response to your live music

Replace your solo live performances with clips of you performing to someone. This could be a parent, girlfriend, music teacher or a stranger. The key is to capture their emotional response to your music. This provides viewers with an immediate emotional shortcut, showing them how to respond to your music.

3. Entertain or inform

You have two choices with your content. You can either entertain or educate if you do neither in the first two seconds you will be skipped. So choose your route and commit. But remember, if you are an unknown artist performing unknown music, most people won’t be entertained.

4. Build your brand with visual consistency

Look to add visual consistency to every clip. Think of this as your brand style. This provides viewers with a simple way to remember you. Viewers want familiarity and format. If I know what to expect and like the last video, I’m more likely to watch the next one. This is nothing new. Think back to your favourite comedy sketches, the joy is knowing the format, the formula and the catchphrase.

5. Stop, collaborate and listen!

Collaboration is nothing new in music, remember when Elton John teamed up with Eminem or Run DMC teamed up with Aerosmith? When two artists with differing fan bases collide it expands your potential reach. In the entertainment age, collaboration doesn’t have to be limited to another musician. Can you persuade an influencer to feature in your next post?

6. Engage the eyes before the ears

TikTok is one of the few automatic ‘sound-on’ social media platforms. However, 80% of social content is viewed with the sound off. Before you engage the ears, you have to engage the eyes. Try adding a visually engaging thumbnail or headline that allows viewers to understand the relevance. Remember, you have to earn the right to sound!

7. Make content fit for format!

It’s no surprise that the best-performing content was made for the format. Don’t expect horizontal YouTube videos to blow up on TikTok. With Canva allowing everyone to resize and format social content in a heartbeat, there will be no excuses for badly cropped content in 2024. Fill the space!

8. Cover trending tunes

Like collaborations cover versions are not a new tactic for musicians to launch themselves into the world. It’s much easier to get people to watch a video featuring a song they love than an unknown track. Now TikTok trends will tell you which familiar songs are blowing up, allowing you to jump on the bandwagon and add your take. Only when people have engaged with your cover, is it time to introduce your original music to the mix.

9. Music videos come second to fanbase

In 2024 unless you have an established fanbase don’t waste your hard-earned money producing a full-length music video that sits on YouTube with under 500 views. Instead, create dozens of short-form video clips containing the layers described above. Short-form video is the best way to attract an audience.

10. Promote your best-performing content

Always start with organic posts. Monitor to see which ones perform the best, if you have a post that is outperforming the rest, promote it to reach wider audiences. Then take time to critically consider why it worked. What can you repeat again and again? The best social influencers find a format and then rinse and repeat. Remember you don’t have to reinvent the wheel.

Alana Bonilla on 08/16/2024 in D.I.Y. | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tags: DIY musicians, music business, music marketing, musicians, Reels, shorts, TikTok

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A Guide To Short Video Music Promotion (2024)


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Top 20 Music Promotion Services (Updated 2024)
  • #1 SubmitLink.
  • #2 artist. tools.
  • #3 Playlist Push.
  • #4 SubmitHub.
  • #6 YouGrow.
  • #7 GreaseRelease.
  • #8 FBP Music Group.
  • #9 ReverbNation.

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  1. Be active on ALL your pages (social media, streaming)
  2. Pitch your music to playlists. ...
  3. Use artist services (Spotify for Artists, Apple Music for Artists)
  4. Target the right audience (ads, live shows, content) ...
  5. Have lots of visual content (music videos, bts)
  6. Get press coverage.
  7. Build the right team.
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How To Create Promo Videos That Sell
  1. Limit your project's color palette. ...
  2. Focus on realistic effects. ...
  3. Produce unique textures. ...
  4. Experiment with typography. ...
  5. Use timing and tone to connect viewers to your video's messaging. ...
  6. Find a structure and composition that amplify your message. ...
  7. Test your video.

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These 12 tips will help you improve the quality of your videos right away.
  1. Use Plenty of Light. ...
  2. Use a Clean Background. ...
  3. Choose a Good Video Editing Program. ...
  4. Keep Your Editing Simple. ...
  5. Prioritize Crisp, Clear Audio. ...
  6. Avoid Shaky Footage. ...
  7. Understand the Rule of Thirds. ...
  8. Use Your Phone the Right Way.

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Soundplate Clicks links encourage fans to add your music to their Spotify, Deezer, or Apple Music playlists, and they make downloading tracks a breeze. They'll help you grow your fanbase, boost streams and sales, and sell more gig tickets, while our analytics dashboard will let you better understand your audience.

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Working with music promotion companies, you can reach a wide range of audiences and fans who will appreciate your music. In addition, promoting your music can generate more income, helping you remain in the industry and release more music in the long run.

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Here are 9 ways to promote your music and grow your following on social media:
  1. Create a solid strategy. ...
  2. Keep your branding consistent. ...
  3. Find which social platforms work for you. ...
  4. Be consistent with how often you post. ...
  5. Connect with fans. ...
  6. Spread out your content. ...
  7. Schedule your posts in advance. ...
  8. Be authentic.
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  1. Share your music with a Pre-save link. Pre-save links are a key part of any new music campaign. ...
  2. Create & post quality content. If you're not utilizing social media to promote your music already, this is your sign to start! ...
  3. Create a successful EPK. ...
  4. Submit your music to playlists. ...
  5. Make a music video.

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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

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Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.